Basic terms Synchronization – automatic transfer of data from the management system to OTAs to change information and bring all parameters to identical indicators. Uploading – transfer of data on balances, restrictions and tariffs for sales channels Availability, quotas – the number of rooms available for booking Room number – a specific room (or bed) in the accommodation facility Allocation management – customize the channel by the number of rooms available for sale |
Synchronization is carried out according to the set OTAS settings in the system. After activating the connection with the channel, it is necessary to configure each channel.
Settings → Channel manager → Channel logo |
Each OTA setting is divided into 4 tabs
In each tab you need to do:
- Matching room types – each room type created on the sales channel must have a corresponding room type added to the system (unless the channel rules specify a different setting for matching room types);
- Set allocation management – you have to specify the maximum number of rooms (available for sale at a time) from all that are created within the room type;
Important! If part of the room stock is not sold through the OTA, you have to specify the quantity in the sales channel field “Close out” and be sure to check the information in the extranets of the OTAs. Close out – the number of rooms deducted from the number of rooms remaining for sale on this sales channel. For example: the number of rooms in the room type is 5 rooms. If you put 2 in Close out, then guests will be able to book only 3 rooms available for booking. |
- Set up matching of room types and allocation management, according to which quotas (the number of available rooms) are uploaded within the selected room type;
- Rates matching – one or several rates created on the extranet correspond to each channel room type, each rate in the channel rate settings have to be linked to the system rate with the pricing policy and conditions (restrictions) relevant for the channel.
Synchronization will be performed according to the settings of each OTA. If the channel settings made in the system do not meet the channel’s requirements – when sending data from the system, the channel will indicate a synchronization error, which will indicate what exactly was configured incorrectly.
Execution and monitoring of uploading information to all active OTAs occurs in the “Synchronization” section (in the upper right corner of the desktop, next to the search bar).
You can go to the “Synchronization” section from any menu of the system by clicking on the “globe”
The synchronization menu consists of 4 sections:
Allows you to make additional uploading of information about available rooms, restrictions for a given period.
Allows you to make additional uploading of prices from the rate and the menu “Rates and availability” for all or some seasons.
Allows to monitor the result of uploading information the queue of data uploading by parameters is displayed: Inventory queue, Priority prices queue, Prices queue, Restrictions queue
Reflects information about errors that occur during synchronization
Inventory upload
Allows you to manually update the data on the number of free rooms on the OTAs connected to the system.
To start uploading, you have to:
- select the desired list of channels (by default, uploading occurs on all active channels);
- select the uploading period through the calendar or through the menu from the list of possible periods (the current day is set by default);
- click on the “Schedule upload” button, (in the “Include restrictions to data” window, be sure to indicate “YES”).
The launched uploading process will be displayed in the “Queue” subsection of the “Inventory upload” section.
Prices upload
Allows you to manually update the room rates according to the established rate plans, on the OTAs connected to the system.
To start uploading, you have to:
- select the desired list of channels (by default, uploading occurs on all active channels);
- select the uploading period through the calendar or select the desired season (by default, uploading will occur for all active seasons created in the system);
- click on the “Schedule upload” button.
The launched uploading process will be displayed in the “Queue” subsection of the “Prices upload” section.
Mandatory inventory and prices upload is done when:
- First connection to the sales channel;
- Changing the allocation management on the sales channel;
- Changes to the length of the season or period of validity;
- Adding/removing rooms in an existing room type;
- A match of new room types, rates, restrictions with the sales channel;
- After turning off synchronization to optimize the Front desk.
After connecting the channel and uploading data for the first time, the action takes place automatically in the following cases:
- When the number of free rooms changes;
- When changing the entered and saved data in the rate plan of the system, which is involved in uploading to sales channels;
- When changing the menu prices and availability saved in the system.
After uploading, a queue is formed. In the system, this will be displayed on the control panel as an exclamation mark on the icon of the “Synchronization” section
If you go to the queue section during the upload , you can see a list of dates and the amount of data waiting for the upload queue.
List of dates pending completion of the upload and the amount of data in the queue for uploading to channels. It is divided into 4 blocks according to the fundamental difference of the downloaded information:
- Inventory queue – shows a list of uploading availability
- Prices queue – shows a list of uploading prices in rate plans of the system
- Priority prices queue – shows the list of prices of priority prices set on the Front desk in the system.
- Restrictions queue – shows a list of restrictions
If the queue is not cleared for a long time, it is necessary to check the activation of the permission to pnload from the queue. For this:
- go to the “Queue” subsection;
- indicate the value “Turn on” on the right (the current position should be ✓Switch Off).
Important! After fundamental changes and additional uploading, be sure to check the information in the extranets of the sales channels. |
If the synchronization has passed with errors, it will be displayed on the system control panel on the icon of the “Synchronization” section as a numerical value of the number of errors circled in red.
Synchronization errors can be found in the section
Synchronization errors can be divided into 2 types:
- Notifications – such errors include notifications about disconnection of the channel connection, deactivation of a room type, rate plan or type of placement, or temporary suspension of the channel server. The solution to such errors is to re-upload information to the channel.
- Errors related to incorrect settings in the system – uploading to channel rates that the system does not control, uploading prices whose limit does not coincide with the set limit on the channel. The solution to such errors is to adjust the settings in the system and re-upload information to the channels.
Important! Although the section allows you to remove the marked errors, their removal does not mean a final solution to the same problem in the future.If in the process of work you notice an error and doubt the solution, write a request in the “Help” section , selecting “Synchronization errors” in the line “Message type”.