Work with orders


Optimize your property by allowing the system to capture data, minimizing your own time spent on the process. Use the Marker system tool for this (created and displayed in the menu “Visual design” – “Markers”). 

Marker — a system tool that allows you to visually highlight the reservation on the Front desk; highlighted with a vertical stripe of the selected color on the left edge of the order field, indicating the presence of special conditions..

By default, the system has only one abstract value marker, blue.

To create a new marker:

  • enter the required subsection by following this path:

Settings →  Visual Design → Markers

  • click on a subsection to open the marker creation menu;
  • enter a name that will mean the marker;
  • by clicking on the color cell, select the desired color;
  • click on the button  Markers


To delete marker

  • You have to select the desired marker
  • put a mark in the checkbox on the right, in the marker line  Markers
  • click on the button Markers

You can mark the reservation with a marker, both at the time of creating a new reservation, and at any other convenient time for the user.

Use a special menu item to add a marker that opens in the reservation creation window.


To add a marker to an already created reservation:


  • Select the reservation on the Front desk:
  • in the menu that opens, click on the button “marker” Markers
  • select the marker you need
  • click on the button Markers
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