Work with orders

Order creation

Reservations in the OtelMS system are created on the Front desk.

Front desk is the main work space of the system.

In order to switch to the Front desk from any menu of the program, you need to select in the top menu Front desk and submenu Front desk.

Order creation

Creating an order in the OtelMS system begins with the selection of the desired room type on the Front desk. In order to select the desired room type, you need to move the mouse cursor to the selected room type, and click on it.






Order creation

After clicking on the selected room type, it will open as you can see in the illustration.

After the room type is disclosed, you should decide on the room and date of reservation. Expanding the room type and selecting the room you need to hold down the mouse button and select the range of dates in which the guest will live.





Order creationTo create a reservation, hold down the left mouse button on the check-in date and highlight in frontdesk as many days as the guest plans to live in the hotel. Then release the left mouse button.

Subsequently, the order creation menu will open.

Consider the order creation menu in more detail.




In the first block of the settlement menu, information about the guest is entered: last name, telephone number and e-mail address.

Order creation

Entering guest information is optional. If the guest resided earlier in the accommodation facility, the system will offer a guest list, thus it will be possible to analyze the orders of regular guests. If the administrator doesn’t have any data about the guest, you can leave all the fields blank. Reservations will be created without them. You can also edit the reservation by adding or modifying this data later.

The following is a line with information about the date and time of check-in and check-out.

Order creation

The initial data in this line is set when the date range is selected on the front desk. But you can also edit these fields in any desired range. When you change the check-in and check-out dates, the number of nights will change automatically.

In this menu you can also set an early check-in and (or) late check-out for this reservation. Adding early check-in and late check-out will automatically be reflected in the balance of this booking.

Order creation

By default, the addition of early check-in and late check-out will add to the balance of the reservation 50% of the cost of the first night, depending on the room type and the selected fare. However, this option can be changed in the settings.

Settings ->> Rate management ->> Basic services ->> Early check-in/Late check-out ->> EDIT

The following are four icons with which you can set the number of adult guests who stay in this room.

Order creation

In most cases, only the left icon will be sufficient. However, if the hotel has a complicated rate system, and the price per room changes when guests with children of different ages enter the room, you can select the number of children of two different age groups using the second and third pictograms. With the fourth icon, you can add an extra bed to this reservation.

The number of child places is set in the room stock settings for each room type separately.

Settings ->> Rooms ->> Room types ->> EDIT ->> tab “OCCUPANCY”

The cost of child places and an extra bed is set in the rate settings

Settings ->> Rate management ->> Rates ->> EDIT ->> tab “Rates”

The menu item “Amount” determines the financial rules according to which the cost of living will be charged. By default, this menu is set to “By rate”. This means that the total cost of accommodation of the guest will be calculated by the system according to the parameters set in the rate settings.

Order creation

Room price according to the rate is set in the menu.

Settings ->> Rate management ->> Rates ->> EDIT ->> Tab “Rates”

Alternatively, the option “Fixed” or “Daily” can be selected in the “Amount” menu.

When choosing a fixed cost of living, it is possible to independently set the final cost for the guest for the entire stay.

Order creation

If you select the option “Daily”, you can choose the cost of this room for each day of stay in the guest.

Order creation

When placing a guest in the drop-down menu on the right, you can select a rate. In the event that there are several rates.

Order creation

The “City tax” drop-down menu allows you to set the options for the tourist tax for this reservation, as well as whether the tourist tax will be added to this reservation.

Order creation

The amount of city tax is made in the settings of the legal entity.

Settings ->> General settings ->> Company details ->> EDIT ->> City tax

Activation of the city tax must also be made in the menu.

Settings -> General settings -> Basic settings

The following two drop-down menus allow you to give a guest a discount in percentage or a discount in the form of a fixed amount, which will be deducted from the total cost of living. To provide a percentage discount, you should choose the discount size in the drop-down menu from 1% to 100%. The system will automatically deduct the required amount from the total cost.

Order creation

To provide a discount in the amount of a fixed price, you must enter the desired amount in the “Discount” field. The system will automatically deduct the discount amount from the total cost.

Order creation

The menu item “marker” allows you to highlight this reservation on Front desk in a certain color. You can customize the colors and the number of markers in:

Settings ->> Visual design ->> Markers

Order creation

The marker is set as when creating a new reservation, and can be assigned to the existing ones already on the Front desk.

After marking, the reservation will be easy to find on the Front desk. You can set a marker for an existing reservation in just a few clicks.

Order creation

When creating a group booking on the Front desk, the program allows you to add new bookings to group bookings later. Create a group called “New Group”.

Order creation

This reservation can be added to an already existing group, for this you need to enter the group name in the menu item “add to group”. Add this reservation to the group you just created.

Order creation

Now in the New Group there will be not 2, but 3 reservations.

Source menu allows you to select the source of this reservation. You can set any number of sources in the menu.

Settings ->> Partnership ->> +Add a source

Order creation

In the process of working with reservations, reports of effectiveness are generated by source. With the help of which you can conduct a comparative analysis of the number of orders, financial receipts, by fullness. Thus you can decide on the marketing policy. Sources allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising. Suppose a hotel concludes an agreement with a travel company, and when creating each reservation, the hotel administrator indicates the corresponding source. At the end of a month or a year, you can familiarize yourself with the performance report and understand how many bookings were made by a travel company for the selected period. Reservations coming from sales channels are automatically assigned a source identical to the name of the channel.

In the comment field, you can post any comment regarding this reservation. Comments are visible only to users registered in the system.

Order creation

The function “Cancellation till” works on the principle of a countdown timer. The time is set in the “Days” “Hours” and “Minutes” fields. after which an automatic reminder of this reservation will be displayed in the “Status” menu. In this case, the administrator can either confirm this reservation or cancel it.

Order creation

Order creation and Order creation buttons allow you to close this room to the reservation from the sales channels and the booking engine, or open it if it was closed before.

After all the required fields have been filled in, you can either create a reservation with the specified parameters, or go directly to the check-in.

To create a reservation you have to click on the button Order creation

To go directly to the check-in, click on the button Order creation

To close this menu without saving changes, click on the button Order creation

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