
User settings

 The User function provides access to the system with the established rights to enter information and/or change the system settings. A user is a person who performs actions in the system for the correct operation of the system and/or forms an information base for the subsequent processing of information.

The first user is added automatically when registering an account in the OtelMS database. Login and password are set according to the data entered in the registration form.

Such a user automatically becomes a “System Administrator”, gaining access to all system settings. During further work in the system, a user with the “System Administrator” access level has the ability to create an unlimited number of other users and to define certain rights for them that restrict viewing information or working with system settings.

To configure users and determine their access rights, go to the necessary sections of the system:

Settings → Users → Users list

All users with access to the system are listed in the “users list”

User settings

The list of users contains three system users whose deletion or editing is strictly prohibited:

  • User “system” – records all automatic actions that were performed by the system, is an indicator of all automatic actions.
  • User “support it” – provides access for system developers.
  • User “support info” – provides access to the technical department for assistance in resolving issues related to system settings and its synchronization with booking OTAs.

To edit information in an existing user:

  • click the icon User settings
  • wait for the menu to open;
  • make user changes.

To add a new user:

  • click the button User settings
  • wait for the registration form to open;
  • fill in the data in the form fields (fields marked with * are required).

The registration form is divided into tabs for more convenient information input.

Each tab contains a button  User settingsthat saves all changes in all sections, on any of the tabs.

The “Access” tab allows you to enter or change the login and password for entering the system for a specific user.

User settings

User (email) * field is required. Data is entered in the format of an email address.


  • to save the previously entered password, select the “Keep” position;
  • to enter a new password, select the “Change password” option and fill in the “Enter password” and “Confirm password” fields (re-enter the new password)

User settings

If necessary, it is possible to send invitations based on the entered login and password data to the entered user’s email address. To send an invitation, you have to put ✓  in the box

User settings

The “User” tab allows you to enter information on the user’s full name, as well as additional information.

User settings

  • User * – a field for entering a username
  • Last name * – field for entering the user’s last name
  • Middle name – a field for entering the user’s middle name
  • Date of birth – select the user’s date of birth
  • Position – field for entering the user’s position
  • Signature – enter additional comment

The “Rights” tab allows you to configure the level of access to the system for the user.

User settings

  • The set value “System administrator” gives access to the system settings and to the “Reports” section.

Attention! Without the “Administrator” access right, the user will not be able to make any changes to the system settings

  • The set value “Active” enables access to the system.
  • The field “Opened dealer” allows you to select one or all sources, reservations from which will be displayed when viewing reservations in the system Front desk.
  • The “Language” tab allows you to select the language of the system interface (by default – English). When creating a new user, be sure to change the language.

User settings

  • The “Notifications” tab allows you to configure the sending of notifications for daily reports and notifications of new reservations to the email specified for the user.

User settings

To activate the sending of such notifications, you have to:

  • select the value “Yes” in the field “Send daily reports to email”;
  • select the value “Yes” in the field “Send new bookings to email?”;
  • click the “Save” button to commit changes to the user settings;
  • confirm your email address (a notification will be displayed at the first login);

The first time you log in, you need to pass Two-Factor Authentication (a notification will be displayed after login).

User settings

  • click “Verify email address” to go to user settings

User settings

  • wait for the notification “Message has been sent”;
  • receive a letter with the subject “System message” to the specified email address;
  • in the body of the letter, click on “Confirm email”;

User settings

  • wait for automatic transition to the system (a notification about successful confirmation will appear on the screen);

User settings

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